My Divine Devotions: Wisdom is a gift from God

Proverbs 9:10 If you really want to become wise, you must begin by having respect for the LORD. To know the Holy One is to gain understanding.

I remember thinking how wise I was at the tender age of 17. I wondered how it was possible that my parents and grandparents knew so little about life. So I smile when I hear teenagers (and older people, too) brag about how much they know or how wise they are.

Age has nothing to do with wisdom. Your background, life experiences and your education cannot provide wisdom. We don’t become wise by having multiple degrees – and we especially do not become wise by having theology, religion or philosophy degrees. Don’t think because you are savvy that you are wise. Wisdom is a gift from God given to us regardless of our age. Your child may have more wisdom than you will ever understand. Or your grandparent may have accumulated a lifetime of wisdom.

One thing I know for sure – the Bible opened up the gates of wisdom in my life as I surrendered to the will of the Holy One. Once I learned to appreciate and adore my Heavenly Father, levels of wisdom have been given to me in areas where I was seriously lacking. Biblical revelations have opened up as I’ve asked God for more knowledge, gifts and as I’ve walked in obedience. Now I realize how much I didn’t know, how I wasn’t wise and, certainly, how much I have yet to learn about living a holy life.


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