My Divine Devotions: When eternity becomes the prize we crave

December 18, 2010
2 Corinthians 4:6 God said, "Let light shine out of darkness."—(Genesis 1:3) He made his light shine in our hearts. It shows us the light of God's glory in the face of Christ.

Make no mistake, evil is in the world. Evil corrupts minds, hearts and changes the destiny of many of the children of God. But no matter how sinful the human heart becomes -- the light of Christ lives in the heart. That light of Christ manifests itself as a deep longing to remove oneself from the pits of life. Whether we dig our own pits or allow others to hurl us into the darkness, the light of Christ has the power to restore and save.

When we decide to give up a life of darkness the face of Christ becomes imprinted in our hearts until forever. Once our hearts turn to the light, eternity becomes the prize we crave. Forever becomes eternity.


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