My Divine Devotions: Changing the way we approach life

1 John 5:3 Loving God means keeping his commandments and his commandments are not burdensome.

When all is said and done, it takes knowing God to love him. Loving God with our entire heart, mind and soul means we will care what he thinks. If God says: we will not worship other gods (things, people); we will not make images (material possessions, etc.) to worship; we will not use his name irreverently; we will observe a day of rest; we will honor our father and mother; and that we will not commit murder, adultery, steal, lie and be envious of our neighbor, then we will obey for one simple reason: love.

Loving God means changing the way we approach life and relationships. After a while, we detest the loathsome things we did and we change the way we think because God opens our minds and gives us a new way of thinking. Our minds are opened to receive the truth.

Truth is freedom.

Freedom is love.

God is love. ♥ ♥


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