My Divine Devotions: A love so immense that words cannot describe it

December 17, 2010
Hebrews 4:7 So God again chose a certain day. He named it Today. He did that when he spoke through David a long time later. As it was said earlier, "Listen to his voice today. If you hear it, don't be stubborn." —(Psalm 95:7,8)

The choice is ours: light or darkness. What does it take for us to meet and get to know the God who created us? Instead of accepting the love that God freely offers, we choose paths of darkness and moral corruption. Once in the pit, we harden our hearts to the faint cry—like that of the Father who wants to save his child.

Spending a lifetime in the pit means that we waste the precious years we’ve been given to live a powerful life in the light and love of Christ Jesus. Why would we choose the darkness? Could it be because we have never been accepted and loved unconditionally?

Are we so irretrievably jaded that it would never occur to us that our God is waiting with open arms and a love so immense that words cannot describe it?

Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your heart.


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