My Divine Devotions: Fill your mind with God

Colossians 3:2 (NLT) Let heaven fill your thoughts. Do not think only about things down here on earth.

I believe that we are successful in life if we accomplish the things that we set our mind to do. Since I can remember, I’ve always been goal-oriented and driven. I come from a family of talented and compassionate people, so I have high expectations of myself. I’ve done many of the things that I set out to do. Many things I have not completed on the time table that I had envisioned. But one thing I know, there’s a difference in being driven by your own inner “smarts” or conscience or drive, whatever you want to call it, to being driven by the power of the Living God.

Now that I am focused on eternity and now that I know the power of the Holy Spirit, I am more driven than ever – but it’s a drive to do God’s will and purpose for my life. Deep in my soul, I’ve always known there was big plan for my life and I connected to that plan when I decided to live in God’s will. Now my mind is sharp, clear and concise about the things that I will accomplish with the years I have on earth. I no longer waste time on those things that do not make a difference to God and to me.

Oh – my struggles continue but I’m fine because I know the supernatural peace that God provides when you walk with Him. I connect to the Lord first thing each morning, throughout my day and at night. I even dream of heaven. My focus on heaven has made me a better mother, friend, daughter and human. And I live with the awareness of God’s presence in my life and with the knowledge that I will someday see His beautiful face in paradise.


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