My Divine Devotions: God helps you endure your trials

December 5, 2010
Isaiah 40:29 He gives power to those who are tired and worn out; he offers strength to the weak.

I’m always in awe when God makes me aware of how much he cares for his children. Today I entered the room of a patient I had ministered to last January. Almost one year later, she remembered me and thanked the Lord as I walked up to the bedside to greet her. She said that my showing up in her room was God’s way of giving her peace. She was having a tough, emotional day dealing with her diagnosis. I don’t know what the future holds for her, but I do know this: She needed to know that God cares for her. At her weakest moment she wanted to give up, but I showed up to let her know that God cares and that he has not forgotten her.

Throughout history God has shown up to see his creations through trials and tribulations - whether those trials were self-imposed or caused by others. God is at our side and many times the way he lets us know that he cares is through the loving kindness of others. God knows that you need to be encouraged whether you are facing a serious illness, a financial crisis, a relationship crisis or whatever. The Good Shepherd is there to walk alongside of you and guide you. Look for evidence of his care through others, in the Bible and through his presence in your life.

Be prepared to be God’s hands, feet and heart to those who need to know God’s love. Go when God sends you. My precious patient can count on my love, prayers and encouragement. I will be there to see her through the journey. I saw evidence of God at work in her life and I left her room seeing her with a renewed sense of peace, and the knowledge that God sent someone to let her know that He cares. This knowledge gives me the strength to face my own life knowing that God is there for me, too.


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