Parents – you have a lifelong responsibility - Psalm 127:3-5

Psalm 127 3-5 (The Message) Don't you see that children are GOD's best gift? the fruit of the womb his generous legacy?
Reflections on my daughter’s 21st birthday
Motherhood changed my life. I never imagined how a little person could have so much impact. As I look back over the last 21 years, I see God’s hand intervening at critical stages, especially when I refused to allow him to touch my heart even though I was a professing “Christian” since childhood.  My daughter is now a successful college student. I’m proud of the heart she has for God. It was her passion for God that ultimately changed my life.
My notes are always intended to encourage your journey, so I offer these observations about my experiences:

·        Remember that you are the parent and not their best friend. Friendship happens when they are older.

·        Have a passion that you can share with your child. I love animals, reading, shopping and volunteering.  We have many memories enjoying those activities.

·        Give your child responsibilities and let them be accountable. My child understood the rules, the codes and the consequences. They still apply.

·        Teach your child to be courteous and well-behaved.

·        Be strict where it makes sense and stand your ground.  Family members would tell me I was mean. But look at the child now. J

·        Get involved in your child’s education, activities and know their friends. I loved those PTO years!

·        Admit your mistakes. I was “Mistake Momma!” Jackie and I had many conflicts, but at the end of the day the child knew that I loved her.

·        Have fun because life is about memories. Jackie and I spent months finding the perfect Halloween costume. We also made sure birthdays were special. We’d spend time with family and close friends – it was all about being with the people who mattered. We also enjoy girl pampering time and we share a passion for coffee, clothes, shoes, purses and nice hotels.

·        Send your child on mission trips, so they understand the meaning of living like Jesus. Our hard-earned money was invested in her annual trips to third world countries – those were her vacations.

·        Teach your child to be generous. Enough said.

·        I was a single parent when Jackie turned seven-years old. Don’t let differences with your ex-spouse ruin family ties. It took several years, but God changed the dynamic in our family.

·        Be kind to each other. Words can never be taken back.

·        Choose your battles wisely. Don’t take anything personally and don’t get offended. Forgive and love. Make love unconditional.

·        Stay focused and interested in your kids as they get older. Don’t get in their business unless it’s critical that you do, and if they ask for your opinion. They need us at every stage of their lives.
I am an imperfect mother. Perhaps the most valuable lesson for me is that my daughter and family have seen how God transformed my life. They know the old me and the renewed me. The change in my life is a gift from God. My daughter is God’s gift to me.
Treasure your children, raise them well and allow them to live their lives.

She’s 21 - Happy Birthday Jackie!

Seems like just yesterday
for a precious baby girl I’d pray.
She arrived at the perfect time
and we all agreed that she was fine.
She walked, she talked, she smiled and said, “Mine!”
We knew she was a gift from the Divine.
Baby, toddler, Pre-K and elementary
One thing for sure, I had no time to be sedentary!
Middle and High School arrived so fast,
She excelled and her goals she cast.
She astutely made life goals and plans,
By the end of high school she had tons of fans.
Student Council President, Student Body President and
Homecoming Queen,
That pretty girl looked fine in gowns or any fabulous jean!
While planning her life, she took time to care,
She travelled to places many didn’t dare.
She left her town to go to her first choice for college
She has some fine 21-year-old knowledge!
She achieved a very big dream
To be part of the pretty girl Kappa Mu AKA team.
Time passes so fast, seems like just yesterday,
I was showing my little girl how to do things the best way.
Now she’s soaring -- up, up and away
Keep her safe to the LORD I pray.
The treasure of my life, my invaluable pearl,
Jackie, you will always be my little girl.


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