A November to never forget

My word for 2014: Do I write this post while visiting my child for the Thanksgiving holiday. Last year we spent the holiday apart and decided not to do that again. As with all important relationships, ours evolves over time. It's exciting to see her craft a journey that's uniquely hers. What matters This I know: what she thinks matters to me! I want her to lead strong life that makes a difference for Christ. Current events The Ferguson verdict cast a pall over November for many. I found myself among protestors. They also protested right out side our door, which concerned me. It's my hope that the institutionalized racism that exists in our country can be reconciled without further loss of lives. Decluttering My month was full of doing - my 2014 action word! I like the decluttering work I've done so far. It will carryover to 2015 as I seek peace in all areas of my life. Personal projects I'm working on a photo project to get rid of th...