If not you, then who? 2 Corinthians 4:1

Good Friday, April 22, 2011
2 Corinthians 4:1 We don't become discouraged, since God has given us this ministry through his mercy.

It doesn’t matter how close you are to God, at some point you may feel discouraged and elect to take a break. Take a short break, pull yourself together and make sure you stay connected to God because you are needed for the purposes for which He made you. That has become quite clear in my journey. Real dependence on God begins when you lay your sins and burdens at the foot of the cross.

Once you reveal your true heart to God, he opens doors that you can walk through even while storms are raging in your own world. He knows that you are not perfect, but he knows why you were created and where/when he needs you. God works through us to accomplish his purposes. If we decide to shut the doors to the needs of others while we get it together, we all lose.

Today I am ministering and encouraging those around me who need to know that God loves them even while my own storm is raging. As I started to rely on myself, God reminded me that he works through me and that I am more than equipped.

How appropriate for me to learn this lesson on Good Friday, when we remember how he laid down his life so that we can have life. If Jesus laid down his life for us, we can get out of our own storm surge and go where he sends us.


  1. Truly I believe in this statement "If Jesus laid down his life for us, we can get out of our own storm surge and go where he sends us". The Lord & Savior Jesus Christ always leads us in green pastures (Psalm 23) & He knows where we will fit better. I liked the way this blog post is presented. Thanks Blanca:-) Jesus Loves You!!!


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