When God saves you - Psalm 56:13
February 20, 2011 Psalm 56:13 (GW) You have rescued me from death. You have kept my feet from stumbling so that I could walk in your presence, in the light of life. I make it a practice to ask the Lord to guide my steps each time I make hospital visits. My ministry of presence, listening and comforting patients is about letting believers and unbelievers know there is a powerful, compassionate God who is waiting to take their uncertain journey alongside them. Time and time again, he leads me to the right person, and many times it is a powerful visit for both the patient and me. Recently I entered a room with the intention of consoling a young woman who was weeping. As we discussed the various issues surrounding her life, it became apparent that she was a devoted, long-time believer, and that God had intervened and saved her life in the aftermath of a terrible accident. Just hearing how God had touched her life in such a personal way increased my own faith, My presence in her ro...