My Divine Note #11-01 – Wearing your blessings well

Psalm 35:27 (CEV) Let all who want me to win be happy and joyful. From now on let them say, "The LORD is wonderful! God is glad when all goes well for his servant."

I started off 2011 praising and worshipping my awesome God. The Lord has done amazing things in my life and I have made a vow to never down play them and to make sure that I give God credit for everything that he has done for me and my family.

For in giving God credit, I learn to discern his hand in my life and I also encourage and influence others to believe in his great and mighty power. Giving God credit means I appreciate and acknowledge his goodness for the blessings he has bestowed on me. As Pastor Joel Osteen said, “Wear your blessings well and realize that God owns it all.”

When we give God credit for every part of our lives, it’s possible to have an abundant mentality. Choose to expand your vision for yourself because God wants everything to go well for you.

Thanks to Pastors Joel and Victoria Osteen of Lakewood Church for loving God and inspiring their congregation to acknowledge the goodness of God. Each time I visit Lakewood, I imagine how it will be in heaven: lots of people worshipping in truth.


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