January: The month I learned to DO
My one word for 2014: do. Proverbs 16:3 Whatever you do, do it as service to Him, and He will guarantee your success. I decided to challenge myself this year to get things done that matter to me. To achieve the things that are important to me. I needed a word that would motivate me to get life done. It didn't take long to find my significant word: DO. Do has been powerful so far in January. I've been blogging consistently because - well - I do. If there's something to write. Then I do. And I have! I'm also on a downsizing kick. Decluttering needs action. Do does the job. I joined a group that encourages 52 weeks of consistent but not complicated decluttering. Do has worked wonders! I can do it, if I want. I also want to do more reading. I joined an online book club to do that. Not only have I read the selection, but I'm enjoying the books already on my Kindle app. I've spent time with those I hold dear to my heart this month. I took ...