The 3 best days of my life - so far. Based on Acts 17:27

October 19, 2013

Acts 17:27 - Living Bible (TLB)
“His purpose in all of this is that they should seek after God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him—though he is not far from any one of us.

Since I read a wonderful post on Maria Shriver’s blog, this post has been swirling in my brain.

While cleaning treasures from my closet this morning, I found one of my many journals.  At that time, I had experienced the second happiest day of my life. Before I write about those days, I must tell you what I know for sure now.

May 2, 2006 is the best day of my life. Period.
There will be no other better day while I am living on Earth because on that day, I saw the hand of God and my life changed forever.  It was an unexpected supernatural occurrence. God wanted to get my attention. He did. Life has never been more exciting, joyful, painful and meaningful.

I can blog about the milestones of my life, but there is no more significant milestone for me than the day that God chose to reveal himself to me.

March 2, 19-- is the second best day of my life.
My daughter, my heart was born. Jacqueline changed everything for me. I was driven, independent and very selfish. She made me a fiercely protective and involved mother determined to pass on the compassionate, intellectual and activist qualities I value. She is my pride and joy and the depths of my love for her cannot adequately be described.  

Jacqueline finished college (on plan and on time) and is on her life flight. I’m excited to see how God will continue to use her gifts and talents.

December 18, 2005 is the third best day of my life.
On that day, I walked across the stage at Minute Maid Park to get my college degree.  A degree that eluded me for years because I wanted to work, earn money and take care of myself – that independent streak I mention above.  I finished freshman and sophomore years on time, but it took blood, sweat and tears to make it to the finish line for my undergrad degree.  

Along the way, I credit college professors, bosses, colleagues, family and friends for encouraging me finish the degree. I did and I received a promotion the very day I took the final exam. Since then, I've earned a certificate in pastoral care. 

I am very satisfied with the five and half decades I've enjoyed so far. 

I don’t know what is ahead, but I know there is no better place to be than loved by God.  


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