Following Jesus is for sinners, unbelievers and those who aren't perfect. – Matthew 9:13
Good sermons have a way of piercing
Andy Stanley’s Follow, Pt.1 Jesus Says sermon made me examine my heart in a
big way. I suggest that you listen to the podcast because the message is good
for nonbelievers, but especially amazing for those of us who love the Lord.
Andy’s key points:
ü Being a sinner is a prerequisite. The only people who resist Jesus are those who "think" they are fine. Be careful! There’s no sin,
addiction, illness or sin situation that puts you outside the Lord’s circle.
ü Being an unbeliever doesn't disqualify you. None of the Lord’s followers believed for several years. He
chastised them several times.
ü Following Jesus is purely an invitation to relationship. Rules
don’t make a relationship. God’s kindness leads us to repentance.
ü Following Jesus forces me to think of where I am on the journey rather than to judge where you are.
You are invited to be a follower.
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