Don’t let evil and the world distract you

Are you too busy doing lots of the 'right' things? 

2 Corinthians 2:11 (The Voice) It’s my duty to make sure that Satan does not win even a small victory over us, for we don’t want to be naïve and then fall prey to his schemes.

These are my notes from a sermon by Dr. David Jeremiah on spiritual warfare and identifying the enemy.

Satan is the original jet setter (Job 2:2). But how many of us don’t stop to realize that he is in the world tempting us with his arsenal of worldly pleasures which are powerful distractions?

Dr. Jeremiah is preaching a powerful series and he mentioned a devotional by Bob Gass that caught my attention.

I googled it and found the list that I’m sharing below. You and I need to be aware of the ways the world stops us from hearing God’s voice and His call. Since 2006 I've made major lifestyle changes so I’m better equipped to hear and obey God’s call, but I really needed this reminder. I think we all do. I hope you will copy and post this where you can be reminded that satan’s distractions show up in all parts of our lives and we innocently go along...

Devotional by Bob Gass:
Addressing a worldwide convention of demons, satan told them: As long as Christians stay close to God we've no power over them, so:
(1) Keep them busy with non-essentials.
(2) Tempt them to overspend and go into debt.
(3) Make them work long hours to maintain empty lifestyles.
(4) Discourage them from spending family time, for when homes disintegrate there's no refuge from work.
(5) Overstimulate their minds with television and computers so that they can't hear God speaking to them.
(6) Fill their coffee tables and nightstands with newspapers and magazines so they've no time for Bible reading.
(7) Flood their letter boxes with sweepstakes, promotions and get-rich-quick schemes; keep them chasing material things.
(8) Put glamorous models on TV and on magazine covers to keep them focused on outward appearances; that way they'll be dissatisfied with themselves and their mates.
(9) Make sure couples are too exhausted for physical intimacy; that way they'll be tempted to look elsewhere.
(10) Emphasize Santa and the Easter Bunny; that way you'll divert them from the real meaning of Christmas and Easter.
(11) Involve them in 'good' causes so they won't have any time for 'eternal' ones.
(12) Make them self-sufficient. Keep them so busy working in their own strength that they'll never know the joy of God's power working through them.

Do these twelve things faithfully. I promise it’ll work!

Have you figured out the difference between being busy and being successful in what God's called you to do?

Sometimes being B-U-S-Y just means Being Under Satan's Yoke!

1 John 5:19
Have confidence in the fact that we belong to God, but also know that the world around us is in the grips of the evil one.


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