Losing the friends who know your heart - Proverbs 17:17

Proverbs 17:17  
A true friend 
of the situation…

It has been a 
year for me. 

Between January and April, three of the people who knew my heart died. 

The friendships are irreplaceable.

 I’m grieving deep losses...

I don’t have many close friends.

Oh I know and love lots of people. Many people know me. I also have many acquaintances, 

but there are 

only a handful of people in my “angel circle.”

Friendships have always been difficult for me to develop and to maintain. Possibly because I live a deep internal life. Personality tests have confirmed it. But I don't know really. 

That’s the truth and that’s the reason I treasure the people closest to me.  

I care very deeply about those people who enter my angel circle.

Now that three of them are physically gone, I find myself unsure of what to do.

These people knew my history even though one only knew me for a decade and one lived several states away for most of our 30+ year friendship.

Yet they knew me and they loved me. 

They were the ones I wanted to 
share my heart with, 
to laugh with. 

They knew me. Oh, they knew me. They knew my heart. 

We didn't talk frequently, but I knew their heart beats and voices were a phone call or trip away. 

When I saw their faces, I was home.

Now I move on.

How to do open the doors of my heart for others?

I’m quietly pondering.

Deep friendships are gifts from God.

Thankfully, He is my best friend. 


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