Prayer and praise powers Twitter

2 Corinthians 1:4 He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.
I’m in a season of sorrow as I watch my mother slowly start to leave her earthly body. She’s in hospice care. Other key people in my life are also facing serious health issues, and I’ve also had to deal with the “thorns” that I battle.
I am taking care of myself by sharing my burdens with the Lord and with the people who are closest to me. In short, I’m doing all I can humanly do to remain in God’s peace. And most days, I’m amazed at the joy in my heart regardless of my circumstances.
But some days it’s hard…
I feel helpless when Mom’s in pain and I watch her suffer but not complain. All I can do is reassure her that the staff is doing all they can to keep her comfortable and that I love her. And then I cry and my heart breaks and that’s when I feel deep sorrow. I remind myself that Jesus wept (John 11:35). The God who made me understands my human emotions and need for comfort.

Nothing is as powerful as prayer and praise

I love the many people who follow my timeline on Twitter (I’m @BlancaV), so I “tweeted” to the Reverend Patrick L. Adams (@RevPat1), who is a powerful intercessor and encourager, to pray for my Mom and my heavy heart. He jumped into action with encouragement – AND by asking those who follow his ministry to pray for my Mom and me! In turn, those folks also “re-tweeted” the prayer request and hundreds of people were lifting us up in prayer all day and into today – because social media is 24/7. We felt those powerful prayers.
God encourages us through others
If any of you are having trouble, pray. If you are happy, sing psalms. James 5:13
Never doubt the prayer of prayer and praise. My day ended beautifully as I joined in #Tworship praise with another group of Twitter souls who worship together Monday through Friday at 9 p.m. EST with music found on I found myself encouraging and praying for others as God strengthened me. God’s people are powerful and encouraging through prayer and praise.
We are all connected through the Comforter of our soul. Share your prayers and praise. You made a difference to me and my mom! I love how God works through all of us!
Praise Him!


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